tooth implants

Tooth Implants

Dentista helps you enjoy and keep your teeth for a lifetime. Sometimes it’s not possible to keep all of your natural teeth.  Tooth implants can be a wonderful solution, because they feel and look like the rest of your natural teeth. Modern tooth implant solutions really are a way to gain or keep a beautiful smile.

A natural tooth consists of two parts: a crown (the part you see) and a root (in the jawbone). An implant replaces the root of a tooth that has been lost, so it is a kind of artificial root. Think of it as a screw, made of titanium or ceramic material, that we fix into the jawbone. On that screw, we can then attach a new crown or bridge.

It is a wonderful solution because implants can replace one or more teeth or even an entire set of teeth but still feel like your own. In principle, we can place implants on anyone. Provided there is enough healthy jawbone present in which the implant can grow. The gums around your own teeth must also be healthy or be able to become healthy again. This is necessary for the proper functioning of the implants.

You must also be motivated to maintain the implants properly and ensure good oral hygiene. This is critical to success.

Before we place implants, we do extensive examinations. We take x-rays to determine the health of your jawbone. We see which implant is right for you, how many are needed and what construction we should make on top. This is how we arrive at your treatment plan.

Tooth implants placement procedure

The treatment proceeds in stages. First, we place the implants. Once they have grown in well, we prepare them for use, and finally we attach the new structure to the implants.

Implants can also be a solution for people who wear dentures. Because we can also place click dentures on implants. That feels a lot firmer. If your current dentures do not fit well and cannot be made to fit, insurance will often reimburse a large part of the costs. Of course, you have to ask permission first.

Wondering what implants cost? Of course, that depends greatly on how extensive the renovation is. Dental technique costs and the implant system used also play a role. When you make an appointment with one of our implantologists, we will be happy to give you an estimate for your specific situation.

We are happy to discuss the possibilities.

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Opening hours

Monday to Friday 08:00 – 17:30
Saturday* 09:00 – 16:00
Sunday 09:00 – 16:00

*Two Saturdays a month

Appointments can be cancelled free of charge up to 48 hours in advance.